Easy to change switch kit for your MK1 Escort from Classictrim.co.uk

Want to enquire about these or any other parts we sell sales@classictrim.co.uk or text 07587129264

Its as easy as one, two, three and you no longer need to send your switches away


1. Get your tools out, you'll need the following

a. Wire wool to clean your connectors.

b. Small electrical screw driver to remove the back electrical connector.

2. Once your old switch has been removed from your loom,  lay both switches out on the table ready to swap components, like below

3. Lay your old switch out on the table and applying lite pressure from behind the connectors taking care not to damage the black connector

seperate the connector from the switch housing taking care as there is a spring connector behind built into a yellow or white block


4. Now lay all of your components out on the table so you know how they go back, pay attention to the position of the slot on the little yellow spring connector pic 2 as the slot aligns with the 

black rocker in pic 3 below


 5. Now take some time cleaning the electrical connectors so they look like this - wire wool is superb for this, ensure you do both sides to finish the job


6. Also take time to clean the side spring clips prior to refitting

7. Re-assemble the switch in reverse order so it looks like this with the side retaining clips in place


8. Refit the switch back onto your loom

So there you go a really easy dress up kit for your MK1 Escort, switches can be purchased direct from us @ Classic Trim. They represent excellent VFM as a kit.

1988 - Present day, Classictrim - where compromise is not an option, talk to the rest and then have a chat with the best

www.classictrim.co.uk or text to 07587129264